Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hydrogen Conversion Water For Gas

Hydrogen Conversion Water For Gas

Do You Want To Know RIGHT NOW How You Can Drive Around Using WATER as FUEL Laugh At Rising Gas Costs,While Reducing Emissions and Preventing Global Warming?100% "water cars" and "water trucks" are still on the drawing board - but I'm excited to show you how you can start RIGHT NOW and Convert Your Car/Truck/Suv to BURN WATER as well as Gasoline and Boost Your Mileage! Did you know that you can convert your Car/Truck/Suv to a water-burning vehicle (Water Hybrid)?It is SIMPLE to install and remove: the solution you've been looking for!Boost performance while preventing smog. Turn your 25 mile per Gallon Car into a 50 mile per Gallon Car!! Save Money!.. Cut your fuel bill in HALF!! Proven to be so easy a High School Student can do it! Once you receive your info, use it on all your vehicles and then share it with family and friends...Convert all your current vehicles into Hybrids...save on 1-2-3 vehicles....

Is It Possible to Run My Car/Truck on Water? Again, water is supplemental to gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel. However it is possible and VERY EASY to extract energy from water to run your car on water too. We have water-to-energy converters running in all our vehicles since 2006. YOU CAN TOO. I'm about to tell you about a SIMPLE technology you can have right now, called .
WATER4GAS. It's one of the most PRACTICAL free-energy devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness.
WATER4GAS is NOT my invention. And it's not new. Based on old "forgotten" US Patents we have developed devices that use a little electricity out of your car/truck battery, to separate
water into a gas called "HHO" (2 parts Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Brown's
Gas or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy - while the end product
is just WATER! Mobile Magazine says: HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen,
while maintaining the chemical stability of water. DID YOU KNOW: Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and MPG.
We took a 90-year-old suppressed technology, We SIMPLIFIED it using everyday hardware, You will discover how affordable yet very effective these devices are. You get permission to replicate our devices - for personal savings or business profit! Easy to install & maintain. Good for carb/fuel injection, gas/diesel. Old/new cars, motorhomes and now even big rig trucks with our "6-pack"!


